- conviction
- 1) убежде́ние с
he is known for the strength of his convictions — он изве́стен твёрдостью свои́х убежде́ний
2) юр призна́ние вино́вным; осужде́ние с
The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary.. 2014.
he is known for the strength of his convictions — он изве́стен твёрдостью свои́х убежде́ний
The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary.. 2014.
conviction — [ kɔ̃viksjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1579; lat. imp. convictio, de convincere → convaincre 1 ♦ Vieilli Preuve établissant la culpabilité de qqn. Conviction de mensonge. ♢ Mod. PIÈCE À CONVICTION : objet à la disposition de la justice pour fournir un élément de … Encyclopédie Universelle
conviction — con·vic·tion n 1: the act or process of convicting; also: the final judgment entered after a finding of guilt a prior conviction of murder would not overturn the conviction compare acquittal ◇ Jurisdictions differ as to what constitutes… … Law dictionary
Conviction — Con*vic tion (k[o^]n*v[i^]k sh[u^]n), n. [L. convictio proof: cf. F. conviction conviction (in sense 3 & 4). See {Convict}, {Convince}.] 1. The act of convicting; the act of proving, finding, or adjudging, guilty of an offense. [1913 Webster] The … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
conviction — con‧vic‧tion [kənˈvɪkʆn] noun LAW 1. [countable] a decision in a court of law that someone is guilty of a crime: • Smith, who had no previous motoring convictions, had been rushing home to see his family when he hit another car. conviction for • … Financial and business terms
conviction — CONVICTION. s. f. L effet qu une preuve évidente produit dans l esprit. Être dans une entière conviction. Avoir une entière conviction des vérités de la Religion. [b]f♛/b] Il se dit aussi De la preuve évidente et indubitable d une vérité, d un… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie Française 1798
conviction — Conviction. s. f. v. Preuve évidente & indubitable d une verité, d un fait. Conviction évidente, manifeste, forte. on a long temps douté de la circulation du sang, mais l experience nous en a donné une conviction entiere. on l accuse de cette… … Dictionnaire de l'Académie française
conviction — [n1] belief, opinion confidence, creed, doctrine, dogma, eye, faith, feeling, judgment call, mind, persuasion, principle, reliance, say so*, sentiment, slant, tenet, view; concept 689 conviction [n2] guilty sentence; assurance assuredness,… … New thesaurus
conviction — [kən vik′shən] n. [ME < LL(Ec) convictio, proof, demonstration] 1. a convicting or being convicted 2. Rare the act of convincing 3. the state or appearance of being convinced, as of the truth of a belief [to speak with conviction] 4. a strong… … English World dictionary
Conviction — (v. lat. Convictio), Überführung; vgl. Criminalbeweis … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Conviction — Conviction, lat., Ueberführung … Herders Conversations-Lexikon
conviction — (n.) mid 15c., the proving of guilt, from L.L. convictionem (nom. convictio) proof, refutation, noun of action from pp. stem of convincere (see CONVINCE (Cf. convince)). Meaning mental state of being convinced is from 1690s; that of firm belief,… … Etymology dictionary